One reason I don’t cook is I have a lot of trouble not eating the ingredients while I’m making something. When I made banana pancakes this week, there was definitely some banana missing in the banana-to-egg ratio of the final product.

Two of my favorite parts of Adventure Time are when 1) Finn and Jake are in their pajamas and the late-night light flows through the treehouse like it never does at any other time of day, and 2) when Jake makes breakfast. Nothing in my life has really inspired me to learn to cook so far, but pretending to be Jake at least helps.

Is cooking really worth it, though? You spend so much time getting everything ready, then you’ve got to cook your food and make sure you’re not burning it, but also not giving yourself food poisoning. Then you eat it and it’s gone in ten minutes, and you’ve still got to clean up and write a blog post about it. I feel much better off putting a Lean Cuisine in the microwave, and the way I cook, the results are about the same anyway.

Back to Adventure Time — I made some slight progress on my to-watch list this week! I also got to see how convenient the ad-free version of Hulu Plus really is when I watched Adventure Time with my friends Kasey and Lupe at their apartment. Since Cartoon Network moved all their shows over there from Netflix, it might be worth getting just to stay caught up on cartoons. Also, since Black Books is finally back on Netflix (again), and I had to seek shelter at my parents’ house from the North Texas Boxing Day tornadoes, I got three episodes into that rewatch. If we could just get Red Dwarf back on Netflix, balance would be completely restored.

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