Like all great subcultures, nerds founded themselves on social ostracism. They took it one step further and made it their core tenet, no other attributes required. If you’ve been cast out, you’re in. Then, as the great nerd prophets predicted, it happened – just like we always knew it would – geeks inherited the earth. Like all the grungy, punk-rock, hippie hipster beatnik biker gangs before them, nerds were mainstream. And when nerd culture is the culture, where do we all go from there?

Where do I go?

When you’re searching for an identity, ‘nerd’ is a pretty easy one to choose. It doesn’t matter who you are, or what you are, or why, you just have to love something, loudly and passionately, long past its conversational expiration date. Nerds are nothing if not enthusiastic and outcast. But once the outcast aspect fades away, we’re left with loud, aggressive enthusiasm for something people have already embraced and are willing to hear. The enthusiasm’s still there, though, and it’s becoming overkill.

I didn’t think there’d come a day when I was worn out on Marvel movies. When I’d let them stack up, unwatched, like a pile of dirty dishes. I know people are still more than willing to see the thrilling conclusion of a convoluted, commercialized plot line already worn thin. The whole world is, in fact. Being a nerd feels less like an identity and more like the return on investment of every corporation’s marketing department. *

*sick burn, you’d almost think I don’t work in a marketing department.

I know this isn’t a new concept. There’s a reason why Hot Topic set its sights on the nerds – it’d already taken the punks and chewed them up and spat them out. (I’m sorry, Hot Topic. I still secretly love you, I’ll still come to you for Funko Pop exclusives even though you raised the price.) It’s just hard to not question myself – if we were bound together and defined solely by ostracism, but no longer ostracized, does nerdiness as an identity even exist anymore? And is this towering wall of Funko Pops in my bedroom really still a good reflection of who I am?

Basically, I’m not sure if I’m letting go of an identity or if an identity is letting go of me.

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